
Politique de confidentialité

1. what is the object of this declaration of confidentiality ?

The protection of your personal data and the fair and transparent processing of your data are important to us. We would therefore like to inform you about our data processing and provide you with the information you need to exercise your rights.

Vous trouverez de plus amples informations dans les conditions générales applicables aux produits et services, sur notre site web.

2. qui sommes-nous ?

The following company is responsible for the processing of data in accordance with this confidentiality policy:

Best-Finance GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 67
5001 Aarau

Our Data Protection Officer will be happy to answer all your questions and concerns regarding data protection:

Best-Finance GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 67
5001 Aarau

3. when, to whom and for what purpose is this declaration of confidentiality intended?

This confidentiality policy applies to all processing of personal data in connection with all of our commercial activities in all of our commercial units. It applies to the processing of existing and future personal data.

4. what personal data do we process, for what purposes, from what sources and on what legal basis?

When you access this website, general information is collected automatically. This information is recorded in the server's log file and includes the type of web browser, the operating system used, the domain name of your Internet access provider, your IP address and other information.


When visitors post comments on the site, we retrieve the information displayed in the comment form, as well as the visitor's IP address and the user name (which identifies the user) to help detect spam.

Your electronic address can be used to create an anonymous address book (also known as a "hash") and send it to Best-Finance GmbH.

Les données personnelles que nous traitons proviennent d'une part de vous en tant que client actuel ou futur et d'autre part de sources accessibles au public (par exemple les médias ou Internet), des sociétés du groupe Best-Finance GmbH, d'organismes publics (par exemple les services de l'état civil, le cadastre, le bureau du registre du commerce ou les services de recouvrement) et de tiers (par exemple des enquêteurs externes, la centrale des crédits [ZEK] ou le bureau de renseignements sur le crédit à la consommation [IKO]).

Depending on the occasion and the purpose, we process various personal data, such as personal data (name, address and other details, date and place of birth and nationality), identification data (e.g. data from the identity card) and authentication data (e.g. signature codes, behaviour and movement models). In addition, it may include data relating to orders, transactions and risk management (e.g. data relating to payment transactions, consultation data and data relating to the processing of contractual relationships), information on your financial situation (e.g. information on income and assets, data on solvency, notation data (see note 4b), information on the origin of your assets, contracts in progress or concluded), tax information (information on your tax domicile and all other documents and information with a tax impact), and contractual and documentary data (e.g. information on your account, the deposit of securities, transactions concluded or on third parties such as life partners or mandataries, consultation and discussion procedures).

Please note that consent to the processing of personal data that are not particularly worthy of protection - if required - is generally given for other reasons, depending on the case, for example to comply with the provisions relating to banking secrecy.

These consents do not change the fact that we do not rely on a consent in the processing of personal data that are not particularly worthy of protection, but on the legal bases mentioned below.

In particular, we process personal data in the following situations, for the purposes and on the legal bases indicated below. The processing of data may also be based on several legal bases.

a. Pour la conclusion, le traitement et l'exécution des contrats

Les données à caractère personnel sont traitées dans le but de fournir des transactions bancaires et des services financiers dans le cadre de la conclusion, de l'exécution et du respect de nos contrats avec nos clients ou pour l'exécution de mesures précontractuelles qui sont effectuées à votre demande. The finalities of the data processing depend mainly on the specific product and may include, among others, the opening, maintenance and balancing of accounts, the analysis of needs, advice and assistance, as well as the execution of transactions. You will find more detailed information on the finalisation of the data processing in the contractual documents, the general terms and conditions and, if applicable, in the other documents that have been provided to you.

b. Dans le cadre d'une mise en balance des intérêts

In addition, we also process your data in order to protect our legitimate interests, unless your interests override them. Below is a non-exhaustive list of the processing activities that represent a legitimate interest:

Analyse, suivi et contrôle du risque de crédit (scoring).

  • Prévention de la fraude.

  • Publicity measures, market studies, marketing evaluations, preparation and provision of services on measure (for example, direct marketing, publicity in the written press and online, clients, prospects or cultural events, parrainage, concours, determination of client satisfaction, enquiry about the needs or future behaviour of clients, or evaluation of a client, a market or a market situation). The data will be used for our own offers as well as for the offers of the companies of the Best-Finance GmbH group and the cooperation partners and will be sent to your postal address, électronique ou téléphonique (par exemple par SMS, Whatsapp), dans l'eService ou dans une application mobile, à condition que vous ne vous soyez pas opposé à l'utilisation de vos données et que vous utilisiez les services correspondants ;

  • Traitement des données pour les programmes de fidélisation et de valeur ajoutée des partenaires de coopération et transmission de données sélectionnées nécessaires au fonctionnement et à l'amélioration des programmes de fidélisation et de valeur ajoutée. In addition to the data relating to clients, status, control and client cards, this may also include cumulative sales figures for one or more details. The details of the transaction are not transmitted. In addition, extensive information on the loyalty and added value programmes is available in the general terms and conditions of the respective products. The cooperation partners use this data under their own responsibility and in accordance with their own data protection rules;

  • la visite de sites web ; l'utilisation de nos eServices : When you visit our website or when you install and use one of our mobile applications, we process information such as journal data, in the case of websites, for example, information on the time of access to our website, the duration of the visit and the pages accessed, depending on the offer and functionality. We use this data for reasons of computer security, but also to improve the user-friendliness of the site and its functions and to personalise the offer. For these purposes, we also use analysis services such as Google Analytics. This involves the collection of detailed information on the use of the website in question. For these purposes, we may use technologies such as "cookies" and other similar technologies. Cookies are small files that are stored on your terminal when you visit our website. You will find more information on our website and in the specific contractual provisions relating to products and, if applicable, the provisions relating to data protection;

  • The protection of rights, for example, to assert one's rights before the courts, inside or outside the courts and before the authorities in Switzerland and abroad, or to defend ourselves against claims. This means that we can clarify the prospects of litigation by third parties or submit documents to an authority. It is also possible that the authorities may ask us to release documents containing personal data;

  • Assurer la sécurité informatique et l'exploitation informatique de Best-Finance GmbH.

  • Prevention and investigation of criminal offences.

  • For any question, contact our service clientèle.

  • Telephone calls can be registered, for example, for quality control and training purposes.

  • Building and system security measures (e.g. access controls and video surveillance).

  • Business transactions: We can also process personal data in the context of the preparation and execution of acquisitions and transfers of companies and the purchase or sale of assets, such as client accounts or property and similar transactions;

  • Business transactions: We can also process personal data in the context of the preparation and execution of acquisitions and transfers of companies and the purchase or sale of assets, such as client accounts or property and similar transactions;

  • évaluation, planning, statistics, product development and commercial decisions (e.g., improvement and revision of existing products, new products and services, processes, technologies, systems, returns, utilisation levels).

5. avez-vous l'obligation de fournir des données à caractère personnel ?

Generally speaking, you are not obliged to provide us with personal data. However, we are not in a position to enter into a contract with you if you do not provide us with the personal data that is necessary for a commercial relationship and the fulfilment of contractual obligations or that we are legally obliged to collect (this includes, for example, the information required for the performance of a contract), for example, the information required for identification purposes such as name, place of birth, date of birth, nationality, address and identification data).

6. To whom do we transfer your personal data?

Où nous envoyons vos données

Visitors' comments can be checked by an automated spam detection service.

Within Best-Finance GmbH, these services, employees and other organisations have access to the personal data they need to perform their tasks. We can also sub-contract the areas of activity and services of individuals or entities to companies of the Best-Finance GmbH group and to third parties in Switzerland and abroad, transfer assets and rights and enter into co-operations with partners. In this respect, your personal data will be transferred to these recipients if necessary. By selecting the persons responsible for processing the orders and by means of appropriate contractual agreements, we guarantee that data protection and banking secrecy are also maintained by the third parties during the processing of personal data.

This applies in particular to services and co-operation in the following areas:

  • IT services, e.g. in the areas of data storage (hosting), data delivery services, delivery of advertising material, data analysis, etc 

  • les contrôles de solvabilité

  • la prévention de la fraude 

  • l'autorisation de transaction;

  • economic information and the recovery of debts, for example when debts are not paid

  • Services de conseil, exemple les services fournis par des conseillers fiscaux, des avocats, des conseillers en gestion, des consultants dans le domaine du recruitement et du placement de personnel

  • Administration of contractual relations, including the recouvrement of receivables, e.g. the processing of claims and contracts, the invoicing and processing of receivables, the recouvrement of receivables due

  • création de documents et de cartes

  • création de documents et de cartes 

  • la conformité et la gestion des données

  • Coopération avec les partenaires

  • Coopération avec les intermédiaires

Nous pouvons également divulguer vos données personnelles à des fins commerciales (par exemple, risque de crédit, prévention des fraudes et marketing) à des destinataires au sein de Best-Finance GmbH pour leurs propres besoins. In this way, your personal data can also be processed and put into relation for the purposes concerned, as well as personal data originating from a company of the Best-Finance GmbH group.

Les données personnelles peuvent être transmises dans d'autres cas. We may disclose your personal data to third parties if this is in our legitimate interest or if you have authorised us to do so, and we are even obliged to do so if required by law (generally to the authorities).

7. when do we transfer personal data abroad?

We may externalise our services abroad (see paragraph above). The personal data may also be transferred abroad during the execution of contracts or transactions, for example during the execution of payment orders or the processing of payments. The recipients of your personal data may also be located abroad, even outside the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA, including the Principality of Liechtenstein). The countries concerned may not have laws that protect your personal data to the same extent as in Switzerland, the EU or the EEA. If we transfer your personal data to a third country, we ensure that your personal data is protected appropriately. One way of doing this is to conclude data transfer agreements with the recipients of your personal data in third countries, which guarantee the necessary protection of the data. These are in particular contracts that have been approved, authorised or recognised by the European Commission and the PFPDT, known as contractual clauses. Data can also be transferred to recipients who have signed up to the "Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield" programme, i.e. who are committed to maintaining high standards of data protection.

8. is the profiling done and do you take automated decisions?

We can process your data to create profiles, for example for analyses, evaluations and decisions. This processing is particularly useful to us, as well as to the companies in our group, for the purposes of fraud prevention and risk management. We also use profiles to be able to provide you with personalised advice and offers. You may object at any time to the processing of your data for publicity purposes (see point 11).

If we take automated decisions on individual cases, they are generally necessary for the conclusion or execution of a contractual relationship or are based on your express and distinct consent. We will inform you of these decisions in each case, insofar as this is required by law.

9 How do we protect your personal data?

We use appropriate technical and organisational security procedures to maintain the security of your personal data, to protect them, for example, against unauthorised or illegal processing and against the risk of loss, and to prevent their accidental alteration, unauthorised disclosure or unauthorised access.

10 Pendant combien de temps conservons-nous vos données personnelles ?

Durée de conservation de vos données

If you write a commentary, it will be saved, including the metadata, for an unlimited period of time. In this way, we can automatically detect and diffuse the follow-up comments instead of storing them in a modification waiting file.

For the users who register on our website, we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. Tous les utilisateurs peuvent consulter, modifier ou supprimer leurs informations personnelles à tout moment (le nom d'utilisateur ne peut pas être modifié). Web site administrators may also consult and modify this information.

We retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which we have collected it. We also retain your personal data for longer if we are subject to a legal obligation to retain it. For example, the majority of documents are subject to a retention period of six years. We also retain personal data if we have a legitimate interest in retaining them, for example if the prescription is in progress, if we need personal data for the purpose of valuing or cancelling claims, for archiving purposes and to ensure IT security.

11 Quels sont vos droits ?

If you have an account on this site or if you have written comments, you can ask us to export your personal data, including the data you have provided to us. In addition, you may request the suppression of all personal data that we have stored on your behalf. This does not include data that we are obliged to retain for administrative, legal or security reasons.

Each data subject has certain rights in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation, in particular the following rights:

le droit à l'information,

  • le droit de rectification,

  • le droit d'annulation,

  • le droit de restreindre le traitement,

  • le droit de s'opposer au traitement ultérieur de leurs données à caractère personnel, et

  • le droit de transférer certaines données personnelles.

In addition, there is a right of appeal to a competent data protection supervisory authority, in Switzerland to the Federal Data Protection and Transparency Commissioner (PFPDT).

You may revoke your consent to the processing of personal data at any time. Please note that a revocation is only effective for the future. The processing that took place before the revocation will not be affected. Consent obtained for other reasons, for example on the basis of the provisions relating to the professional secrecy of bankers in accordance with the Federal Law on Banks and Savings Banks (LBE), is not affected by this provision.

Consent obtained for other reasons, for example on the basis of the provisions relating to the professional secrecy of bankers in accordance with the Federal Law on Banks and Savings Banks (LBE), is not affected by this provision.

Vous pouvez également vous opposer à tout moment au traitement ultérieur de vos données personnelles à des fins de publicité directe en nous le notifiant.


12. les modifications apportées à la déclaration de protection des données présente

We reserve the right to modify this confidentiality policy at any time and without prior notice. The current version published on our website applies.

In cases of ambiguity, it is the German formulation of this policy of confidentiality that prevails.

Status : octobre 2018


Hello and welcome !

What loan amount may we offer you?

I need CHF

Desired amount

Interest calculator - 1



Desired amount:  (CHF):

Loan term:

Monthly repayment from

 CHF .- 

Your total interest costs for a loan of CHF .- range between .- with an interest rate of 4.9% and CHF .- and with an interest rate of 10.95%. Credit and interest rates are based on creditworthiness.

Note according to the law: Lending is prohibited if it leads to over-indebtedness (Art. 3 UWG).