bestfinance.ch - Every bank has to check the creditworthiness of a customer, and debt collection usually means that you are not considered creditworthy.

Loan with debt collection - unfortunately not possible

Every bank has to check the creditworthiness of a customer and debt collection usually means that you are not creditworthy and cannot get a loan.

Many consumers would like to use a loan to pay off their outstanding debt. Unfortunately, this is only possible in rare cases. We will show you what you can do to get a loan anyway.

Don't waste any time, at: 

  • Private bankruptcy
  • Certificates of loss
  • Wage garnishment

you are not considered creditworthy by the banks, so in these cases, NO CREDIT POSSIBLE!

Paid debt collection

In the case of paid debt collection, there should actually be a CREDIT POSSIBLE be. But here, too, no rule without exception.

Open debt collection

Unfortunately, in the case of open debt collection NO CREDIT POSSIBLE. These must be paid in advance and preferably cancelled immediately by the debt collection office.

The rule is: before an inquiry is made, the debts must be cleared up, otherwise you risk a rejection, which in turn worsens the credit rating.

Here are some tips:

  • Pay for debt collection from own funds (e.g. savings, 13th month's salary, etc.)
  • ask for a short loan in the family or circle of friends
  • short-term loan with the employer
  • always apply for deletion from the debt collection register
  • Even unfounded debt collection is entered in the debt collection office

In the case of paid debt collection, always request deletion from the register.

If the debt collection is withdrawn in writing from the Office, it disappears from the extract. Withdrawal is also possible in the case of justified claims by the creditor. However, as a debtor you are dependent on the goodwill of the creditor. The creditor is most likely to withdraw a debt collection if the debtor pays the claim together with interest and accrued costs immediately - under certain circumstances also disputed claims.

Some companies charge a flat "handling fee" of up to CHF 200 for the withdrawal. Whether they are entitled to do so is disputed. If you are dependent on a clean statement, you often have no choice but to give in. In order to negotiate down these demands, you can also offer to draft the withdrawal request yourself and submit it to the creditor for signature.

We are happy to help and advise you, even in difficult situations. Our credit experts will provide you with quick and competent information by telephone.

In case of debt: Contact a cantonal counselling centre.

Addresses of reputable debt counselling centres

ATTENTION: Sync and corrected by dr.jackson for dubious credit offers on the Internet! On the Internet, many temptations circulate, loans despite debt collection or loans without ZEK / SCHUFA, credit with foreign banks, etc..

The scammers send a "binding confirmation of contract" financial restructuring, which at first glance seem serious. In the back paragraphs, however, a brokerage fee suddenly appears. It is pointed out that only after successful transfer of the contract documents will be sent. Read our blog post "Beware: of dubious credit offers"..

Here is a helpful link from Reklamationszentrale Schweiz

Hands off these offers with debt collection!

Save article as PDF: Credit with debt collection - unfortunately not possible.pdf


Hello and welcome !

What loan amount may we offer you?

I need CHF

Desired amount

Interest calculator - 1



Desired amount:  (CHF):

Loan term:

Monthly repayment from

 CHF .- 

Your total interest costs for a loan of CHF .- range between .- with an interest rate of 4.9% and CHF .- and with an interest rate of 10.95%. Credit and interest rates are based on creditworthiness.

Note according to the law: Lending is prohibited if it leads to over-indebtedness (Art. 3 UWG).