bestfinance - With our education loan into your professional future

Invest in your professional future with our education loan

Those who are well versed in their field are highly sought after by employers. This esteem is reflected not only on a personal level, but also in financial terms. Accordingly, the expenses for further education can quickly pay off. Have you already found your ideal in-service training? If, however, obligations to your employers or the high expenses should cause you a stomach ache, we have the optimal solution for your concerns: Our continuing education loan is your discreet, flexible as well as cost-effective option to really get started professionally.

Stay independent

In some cases, the employer supports the financing of the training. That he wants to benefit from the employee's valuable knowledge for a long time in return is self-evident from his point of view. That is why a deal is often struck between the two parties: without commitment, there is no financial support. With a personal loan for further education, things are different. With its help, you can seize the career opportunities that are important and right for you.

Gain planning security immediately

Are there only a few places left on the course you want? Then you don't have the time to wait several days for a credit decision. At bestfinance.ch, you can apply for your continuing education loan online right away and receive the result of your request immediately.

You determine the amount and number of monthly instalments

Numerous further education institutes offer their participants instalment payments. In contrast to the continuing education loan, the seminar costs often have to be repaid within the training period. Thus, there is little room for manoeuvre with regard to the loan granted. With our personal loan, you can adjust the loan amount to your personal needs.

Apply for a loan

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Hello and welcome !

What loan amount may we offer you?

I need CHF

Desired amount

Interest calculator - 1



Desired amount:  (CHF):

Loan term:

Monthly repayment from

 CHF .- 

Your total interest costs for a loan of CHF .- range between .- with an interest rate of 4.9% and CHF .- and with an interest rate of 10.95%. Credit and interest rates are based on creditworthiness.

Note according to the law: Lending is prohibited if it leads to over-indebtedness (Art. 3 UWG).