bestfinance.ch - Credit for the electric bike

Credit for the electric bike: the cheap way to the bike of your dreams

More and more active people are becoming enthusiastic about the benefits of a pedelec or mountain bike. Especially hilly, shorter routes are child's play to master with their help. In this way, they not only protect the environment, but also do something for their fitness and health. In particular, inexperienced cyclists can travel quickly with an electric bike and a long-lasting battery without any major effort, so that they no longer have to miss out on interesting day trips in convivial company.

However, the purchase of a high-quality model is often a costly affair. In this context, bike lovers should not only consider the purchase price, but also later follow-up costs. In addition to maintenance and repairs, further expenses can arise for a possibly required replacement battery. Since not all people can pay the necessary purchase sum from their savings, many think about a loan for the mountain bike.

Good to know

A specialist dealer who has high-priced mountain bikes and electric bikes on offer will probably offer you a separate financing option during the sales talk. In this case, you can take care of the money directly on the spot, but these loans are usually handled by a partner bank. Thus, there is usually no room for negotiation should you not like the offer. Furthermore, once you accept this offer, you are bound to the dealer.

In comparison, with our loan for the electric bike you can pay the entire purchase amount immediately and then use your dream bike according to your own ideas. Whether you also want to use the loan to finance additional purchases such as transport bags, bike stands or trailers is entirely up to you. The same applies for mountain bike fans.

With our mountain bike loan, you too can take a big step towards your dream. After you have calculated the total cost of your bike, you can easily calculate different financing options on our loan calculator.

You are also welcome to apply for your desired loan immediately.

Apply for a loan

Save article as PDF: Credit for the electric bike: the cheap way to the dream bike.pdf


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What loan amount may we offer you?

I need CHF

Desired amount

Interest calculator - 1



Desired amount:  (CHF):

Loan term:

Monthly repayment from

 CHF .- 

Your total interest costs for a loan of CHF .- range between .- with an interest rate of 4.9% and CHF .- and with an interest rate of 10.95%. Credit and interest rates are based on creditworthiness.

Note according to the law: Lending is prohibited if it leads to over-indebtedness (Art. 3 UWG).