
Credit comparison Switzerland
Interest rate comparison Switzerland

Calculate and compare the different credit providers in the credit comparison Switzerland.

Which financial institution grants you a loan depends on your personal situation.

You can switch from an expensive bank to a cheaper one at any time free of charge.

Do not let the Advertising some banks dazzle.

Low interest rates are often mentioned, which hardly anyone receives


Desired amount:  (CHF):



Loan term:



Credit comparison Switzerland

Which financial institution grants you a loan depends on your personal situation, as does the loan amount and interest rate.

Unfortunately, no credit institute can be displayed with your selection!

BANK-now AG (more info)

(no platform fees)

Interest rates


Borrowing costs in CHF


Monthly rate in CHF


Cembra AG (more info)

(no platform fees)

Interest rates


Borrowing costs in CHF


Monthly rate in CHF


Corner AG (more info)

(additional risk insurance)

Interest rates


Borrowing costs in CHF


Monthly rate in CHF


Migrosbank (more info)

(additional telephone charges)

Interest rates


Borrowing costs in CHF


Monthly rate in CHF


bob Finance AG (more info)

(no platform fees)

Interest rates


Borrowing costs in CHF


Monthly rate in CHF


CreditGate24 (more info)

(additional platform fees)

Interest rates


Borrowing costs in CHF


Monthly rate in CHF


Cashare AG (more info)

(additional platform fees)

Interest rates


Borrowing costs in CHF


Monthly rate in CHF


goodFinance AG (more info)

(no platform fees)

Interest rates


Borrowing costs in CHF


Monthly rate in CHF


Each credit bank has individual terms and conditions for lending in the credit comparison. (Information without guarantee)

Credit calculator Switzerland from bestfinance.ch

Calculate your expected monthly instalment easily and flexibly with our loan comparison calculator. Depending on the desired term and amount of the loan, the monthly instalment payment is displayed. This allows you to track the costs transparently even before the loan application is submitted.


Credit comparison Switzerland personal loan

Anyone who wants to compare cheap online credits and loans online needs a professional credit calculator, no matter what type (car loan, cash loan, consumer loans, small loans). Each bank has specific conditions for granting loans. Which credit bank and at what conditions or interest rates, you get loans depends on your personal situation. 

Terms of at least 6 to a maximum of 120 months are granted. For example, your individual income and expenditure situation as well as estimated payment behaviour are taken into account when granting the loan.


Personal interest rate

Your personal interest rate can therefore only be determined via a credit application. Under current law, however, an APR of no more than 10 per cent is permissible. Depending on the bank, additional fees may apply, e.g. for paper statements, final statement and interest statement. Every application to a bank must be reported to the credit reference agency (ZEK). 

To avoid a negative ZEK entry as far as possible, we carry out an independent credit comparison and find out what interest rates you could receive and which lender is suitable for you. In the loan and provider comparison, we provide an overview of the possible loan interest rates.


Choosing the right credit provider

The credit expert team at getcredit.ch offers you easy and secure access to personal loans. We are specialised in finding the optimal financing. We compare credit offers and credit interest rates and find the best credit offer for you.


Switch credit and save up to 48% interest costs

People who have taken out a loan do not usually change banks during the term of the loan. Since interest rates have fallen in recent years, it is worth switching to a cheaper instalment loan. Depending on the amount of the instalments, interest savings in the multi-digit range are possible. With the loan comparison - start now.

When you switch from one loan to another, it is called a debt restructuring. The best time to reschedule is when the old loan contract has a longer term and the new lender's loan can save percentage points.


The advantages are obvious:

You can reduce your monthly charges through lower tariffs
You pay less interest because the effective interest rate of the new loan is lower and therefore saves money
If you bundle all your current loans with one provider, you get a better overview of your finances
read our blog post - Loan comparison - the cheaper the better?

What is meant by credit comparison?


Hello and welcome !

What loan amount may we offer you?

I need CHF

Desired amount

Interest calculator - 1



Desired amount:  (CHF):

Loan term:

Monthly repayment from

 CHF .- 

Your total interest costs for a loan of CHF .- range between .- with an interest rate of 4.9% and CHF .- and with an interest rate of 10.95%. Credit and interest rates are based on creditworthiness.

Note according to the law: Lending is prohibited if it leads to over-indebtedness (Art. 3 UWG).